On The Diophantine Equation 8^α+〖67〗^β=γ^2


1Sudhanshu Aggarwal*, 2Lalit Mohan Upadhyaya

Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences

Section – E – Mathematics & Statistics

Vol. 41E, No.2, July-December 2022.P.153-155

DOI: 10.5958/2320-3226.2022.00020.0

Original Article



On The Diophantine Equation 8^α+〖67〗^β=γ^2

1Sudhanshu Aggarwal*, 2Lalit Mohan Upadhyaya

Author’s Affiliation:

1Department of Mathematics, National Post Graduate College, Barhalganj, Gorakhpur-273402, Uttar Pradesh, India

E-mail: sudhanshu30187@gmail.com

2Department of Mathematics, Municipal Post Graduate College, Mussoorie, Dehradun-248179, Uttarakhand, India

E-mail: lmupadhyaya@rediffmail.com, hetchres@gmail.com

*Corresponding Author: Sudhanshu Aggarwal, Department of Mathematics, National Post Graduate College, Barhalganj, Gorakhpur-273402, Uttar Pradesh, India

E-mail: sudhanshu30187@gmail.com

How to cite this article:  Aggarwal S., Upadhyaya L.M. (2022).  On The Diophantine Equation .  Bull. Pure Appl. Sci. Sect. E Math. Stat. 41E(2), 153-155.

Received on 15.09.2022/ Revised on 20.11.2022/ Accepted on 30.11.2022

Online First Published on Dec 15, 2022 at https://www.bpasjournals.com/

In this paper, authors have examined the Diophantine equation , where  are non-negative integers, for non-negative integer solutions. Authors used Catalan’s conjecture for this purpose. Results of the present paper show that the Diophantine equation , where  are non-negative integers, has a unique solution in non-negative integers and this solution is given by . KEYWORDS: Diophantine Equation; Catalan Conjecture; Solution; Integers. AMS Subject Classification: 11D61