Neutrosophic Statistics is an extension of Interval Statistics, while Plithogenic Statistics is the most general form of statistics (Third version)


Florentin Smarandache

Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences

Section – E – Mathematics & Statistics

Vol. 41E, No.2, July-December 2022.P.172-183

DOI: 10.5958/2320-3226.2022.00024.8

Original Article



Neutrosophic Statistics is an extension of Interval Statistics, while Plithogenic Statistics is the most general form of statistics (Third version)

Florentin Smarandache

Author’s Affiliation:

Department of Mathematics, University of New Mexico, 705 Gurley Ave., Gallup, NM 87301, USA

 *Corresponding Author: Florentin Smarandache, Department of Mathematics, University of New Mexico, 705 Gurley Ave., Gallup, NM 87301, USA


How to cite this article:  Smarandache F. (2022).  Neutrosophic Statistics is an extension of Interval Statistics, while Plithogenic Statistics is the most general form of statistics (Third version). Bull. Pure Appl. Sci. Sect. E Math. Stat. 41E(2), 172-183.

Received on 22.08.2022/ Revised on 19.09.2022/ Accepted on 30.11.2022

Online First Published on Dec 15, 2022 at

In this paper we prove that Neutrosophic Statistics is an extension of the Interval Statistics, since it may deal with all types of indeterminacies (with respect to the data, inferential procedures, probability distributions, graphical representations, etc.), it allows the reduction of indeterminacy, and it uses the neutrosophic probability that is more general than imprecise and classical probabilities, andhas more detailed corresponding probability density functions. While Interval Statistics only deals with indeterminacy that can be represented by intervals. And we respond to the arguments by Woodall et al. [1]. We show that not all indeterminacies (uncertainties) may be represented by intervals. Also, in some applications, we should better use hesitant sets (that have less indeterminacy) instead of intervals. We redirect the authors to the Plithogenic Probability and Plithogenic Statistics that are the most general forms of MultiVariate Probability and MultiVariate Statistics respectively (including, of course, the Imprecise Probability and Interval Statistics as subclasses). KEYWORDS: Neutrosophic Statistics, Plithogenic Statistics