Biological Sensitization of Blood Immune Cells of Rabbits to External Environmental Stress Factors (Temperature And Seasons)


Biological Sensitization of Blood Immune Cells of Rabbits to External Environmental Stress Factors (Temperature And Seasons)

D.G. Khayitov

Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences

Zoology (Animal Science), Vol.42A, No.1, 

January-June 2023: P.163-169

DOI: 10.48165/bpas.2023.42A.1.15

Original Research Article                  



Biological Sensitization of Blood Immune Cells of Rabbits to External Environmental Stress Factors (Temperature And Seasons)

D.G. Khayitov

Author’s Affiliation:

Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov, University Avenue, Samarkand, Uzbekistan


*Corresponding author:

D.G. Khayitov,

Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov, University Avenue, Samarkand, Uzbekistan



Article Info:

Received on 02.03.2023

Revised on 11.05.2023

Approved on 17.05.2023

Accepted on 29.05.2023

Published on 16.06.2023


ABSTRACT: In this article, the condition and activity of the special immune system index in the blood of Chinchilla and New Zealand rabbits in the extreme climatic conditions of Uzbekistan during the seasons due to temperature fluctuations and nutritional stress are studied. As a result of the study, information on the active physiological state of leukocytes, T-, V-lymphocytes and their subpopulations, helper suppressors and leukocyte-T-lymphocyte ratio in blood is presented.  Keywords: Rabbits, Blood, Ecology, Temperature, Atmosphere, Body Adaptation, Leukocytes, T-, B-Lymphocytes, Immunity, Helpers, Suppressors