Towards Soliton Computer Based on Solitary Wave Solution of Maxwell-Dirac Equation: A Plausible Alternative to Manakov System


Towards Soliton Computer Based on Solitary Wave Solution of Maxwell-Dirac Equation: A Plausible Alternative to Manakov System

1Victor Christianto*, 2Florentin Smarandache

Bulletin of Pure and Applied Science

Physics, Vol.42D No.1,

January-June 2023 P.1-5

DOI: 10.48165/bpas.2023.42D.1.1

Original Research Article



Towards Soliton Computer Based on Solitary Wave Solution of Maxwell-Dirac Equation: A Plausible Alternative to Manakov System

1Victor Christianto*, 2Florentin Smarandache

Author’s Affiliations: 1Malang Institute of Agriculture (IPM), Malang, Indonesia.


2Dept. Mathematics and Sciences, University of New Mexico, Gallup – USA.



*Corresponding author: Victor Christianto

Malang Institute of Agriculture (IPM), Malang, Indonesia.


ABSTRACT In recent years, there are a number of proposals to consider collision-based soliton computer based on certain chemical reactions, namely Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction, which leads to soliton solutions of coupled Nonlinear Schroedinger equations. They are called Manakov System. But it seems to us that such a soliton computer model can also be based on solitary wave solution of Maxwell-Dirac equation, which reduces to Choquard equation. And soliton solution of Choquard equation has been investigated by many researchers, therefore it seems more profound from physics perspective. However, we consider both schemes of soliton computer are equally possible. More researches are needed to verify our proposition.  
KEYWORDS Soliton computation, Manakov soliton, Choquard equation, computation