The Users’ Satisfaction with Public Libraries in Thanjavur District


S. Vinotha, Dr. C. Velmurugan

Library Progress International

Vol.42, No.2, July-December 2022: P.285-295

DOI: 10.5958/2320-317X.2022.00031.

Original Article



The Users’ Satisfaction with Public Libraries in Thanjavur District

 *S. Vinotha, **Dr. C. Velmurugan

Author’s Affiliation:

*Research Scholar, Department of Library and Information Science, Tamil University, Thanjavur-613010,

Tamil Nadu, India


**Librarian and Head, Department of Library and Information Science, Tamil University, Thanjavur-613010, Tamil Nadu, India


 Corresponding Author: S. Vinotha, Research Scholar, Department of Library and Information Science, Tamil University, Thanjavur-613010, Tamil Nadu, India


 (Received on 03.04.2022, Revised on 27.06.2022, Accepted on 24.09.2022, Published on 15.12.2022)

How to cite this article:  Vinotha S., Velmurugan C. (2022).  The Users’ Satisfaction with Public Libraries in Thanjavur District. Library Progress International, 42(2), 285-295.

Public libraries play a vital role in the development of human resources. It is one of the services rendered by a public library. Human resources cannot be compared with the country's other natural resources, such as water resources, soil and mineral resources, because human resources are the nucleus of all other activities. Hence, the Government has to enrich human resources in all spheres. The present study is initiated to assess users' satisfaction with the resources, infrastructural facilities and services provided by the district central library. They constructed a questionnaire and distributed the same selected 150 public library users. The researcher received 129 fully completed responses from the respondents. The users of the district central library in Thanjavur are satisfied with the resources and services of the library. The location of the library does not favour them.   KEYWORDS: Public libraries, Infrastructure Facilities, Resources available, Services provided, User Satisfaction