Taxonomic and Ecological Analysis of the Fauna of Ground Beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of the Lower Zarafshan (Uzbekistan)


Taxonomic and Ecological Analysis of the Fauna of Ground Beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of the Lower Zarafshan (Uzbekistan)

1F.Z. Khalimov*, 2L.Kh. Alimova, and 3D.F. Zokirova

Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences

Zoology (Animal Science), Vol.42A, No.1, 

January-June 2023: P.7-15

DOI: 10.48165/bpas.2023.42A.1.2

Original Research Article                  



Taxonomic and Ecological Analysis of the Fauna of Ground Beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) of the Lower Zarafshan (Uzbekistan)

1F.Z. Khalimov*, 2L.Kh. Alimova, and 3D.F. Zokirova

Author’s Affiliation:

1Gulistan State University, 4th micro district, Gulistan city, Uzbekistan

2Bukhara State University

3Samarkand State University, 15, University Avenue, Samarkand city, Uzbekistan



*Corresponding author:

F.Z. Khalimov,

Gulistan State University, 4th micro district, Gulistan city, Uzbekistan




Article Info:

Received on 25.09.2022

Revised on 23.11.2022

Approved on 05.03.2023

Accepted on 15.03.2023

Published on 16.06.2023

ABSTRACT: The taxonomic composition and ecological-faunistic characteristics of the fauna of ground beetles in the lower reaches of the Zarafshan River were analyzed. 43 species of ground beetles belonging to 28 genera, 19 tribes and 9 subfamilies were identified. The dominant species are Calathus ambiguus (20.21%), Machozetus lehmanni (17.44%), Harpalus distinguendus (16.23%), Scarites bucida (7.6%) and Machozetus concinnus (5.35%), while the subdominant – Scarites terricola (4.32%) Megacephala euphratica (3.97%), Amara aenea (2.94%), Amara ovata (2.25%) and Harpulus rubripes (2.07%). The composition of the carabid fauna consists of two ecologically sharply different species complexes: xerophiles (inhabiting desert biotopes) and mesohygrophiles (inhabiting agrcenoses). Syntomus obscuroguttatus, Harpalus affinis, and Scarites subcylindricus were noted for the fauna of Uzbekistan for the first time. Keywords: Zarafshan River, ground beetles, taxonomic composition, similarity coefficient, new records.