Seed Recalcitrance in Pisumsativum (Pea Crops): Challenges and Solutions


Rishan Singh*

Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences.

Botany, Vol.42 B, No.2.
July-December 2023: P.95-98

Review Article



Rishan Singh*

Author’s Affiliation

Research Media SR, KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 4001, South Africa

*Corresponding Author:

Rishan Singh

Research Media SR,

KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 4001,

South Africa

E-mail: and



Received on 22.07.2023

Revised on  07.09.2023

Approved  on 14.10.2023

Accepted on 28.10.2023

Published on 23.12.2023

Pea plants are an ideal crop to perform experiments relating to seed relcalcitrance and orthodoxy, because they are a stable source of nutrients in many communities. However, like with pineapple, strawberry and even calabash plants, there are several challenges that arise with Pisumsativum. The present contribution aims to widen our understanding of seed recalcitrance in pea crops. In this article, the causes, consequences and solutions to various issues pertaining to seed recalcitrance in Pisumsativum will be discussed. In addition, mentioned will be made on storage conditions ideal to pea crops and that are contrasting to orthodox seed behaviour.