Research Trends in Library and Information Science in India during 2016-2021: A Bibliometric Analysis


Dr. Mahendra Kumar

Library Progress International

Vol.43, No.1, January-June 2023: P.11-23

DOI: 10.48165/bpas.2023.43.1.2

Original Article



Author’s Affiliation:

Assistant Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, Doctor Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya (A Central University) Sagar, Madhya Pradesh 470003, India

 Corresponding Author: Dr. Mahendra Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, Doctor Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya (A Central University) Sagar, Madhya Pradesh 470003, India


(Received on 11.10.2022, Revised on 24.12.2022, Approved on 25.01.2023, Accepted on 11.02.2023, Published on 15.06.2023)

How to cite this article: Kumar M.  (2023). Research Trends in Library and Information Science in India during 2016-2021: A Bibliometric Analysis. Library Progress International, 43(1), 11-23.

Research trends in Library and Information Science Ph.D. level carried out in universities of India during the six years (2016-2021) have been analysed to find out the current Research trends and areas of research, growth pattern and productivity of universities along with broad and narrow subject areas in the discipline in Library and Information Science. The present study helps the Library Science research community current research scenario and direction of research in this era of information and communication technology.  KEYWORDS: Research; LIS Education; Research Trends; Doctoral Theses; Bibliometric Analysis.