On the Triple Laplace- Sumudu-Elzaki Transform and Their Properties


1Adil Mousa*, 2Tarig M. Elzaki

Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences

Section – E – Mathematics & Statistics

Vol. 41E, No.2, July-December 2022.P.128-135

DOI: 10.5958/2320-3226.2022.00017.0

Original Article



On the Triple Laplace- Sumudu-Elzaki Transform and Their Properties

1Adil Mousa*, 2Tarig M. Elzaki

Author’s Affiliation: 

1Department of Mathematics, Almanhal Academy of Science, Khartoum, Sudan.

E-mail: aljarada@gmail.com

2Mathematics Department, Faculty of Sciences and Arts-Alkamil, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah Saudi Arabia

E-mail: tarig.alzaki@gmail.com

*Corresponding Author: Adil Mousa, Department of Mathematics, Almanhal Academy of Science, Khartoum, Sudan

E-mail: aljarada@gmail.com

How to cite this article:  Mousa A., Elzaki  T.M. (2022).  On the Triple Laplace- Sumudu-Elzaki Transform and Their Properties.  Bull. Pure Appl. Sci. Sect. E Math. Stat. 41E(2), 128-135.

Received on 15.07.2022/ Revised on 20.09.2022/ Accepted on 30.11.2022

Online First Published on Dec 15, 2022 at https://www.bpasjournals.com/

In this work, we have discuses and prove the different properties of the triple Laplace-Sumudu-Elzaki transform like linearity property, convolution theorems property, first shitting property, periodic function property, and the some applications to solve partial differential equations in three- dimensions.   KEYWORDS: Triple Laplace-Sumudu-Elzaki transform, Inverse triple Laplace-Sumudu-Elzaki transform, Partial differential equations.