Electrocardiographic Analysis of the Cardiac Activity of Large-Horned Cattle in the Ecological Conditions of the Republic of Karakalpakstan


Electrocardiographic Analysis of the Cardiac Activity of Large-Horned Cattle in the Ecological Conditions of the Republic of Karakalpakstan

Seytkamalov Kh.M.*

Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences

Zoology (Animal Science), Vol.42A, No.1, 

January-June 2023: P.37-42

DOI: 10.48165/bpas.2023.42A.1.5

Original Research Article                  



Electrocardiographic Analysis of the Cardiac Activity of Large-Horned Cattle in the Ecological Conditions of the Republic of Karakalpakstan

Seytkamalov Kh.M.*

Author’s Affiliation:

Nukus branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Mukhammad al-Khwarizmi, Nukus, Uzbekistan


*Corresponding author:

Seytkamalov Kh.M.,

Nukus branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Mukhammad al-Khwarizmi, Nukus, Uzbekistan

E-mail: sxayratdin@mail.ru



Article Info:

Received on 23.10.2022

Revised on 26.12.2022

Approved on 09.03.2023

Accepted on 20.03.2023

Published on 16.06.2023

ABSTRACT: In this article, the physiological basis of natural resistance in unfavorable environmental conditions of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, as well as indicators of bioelectric activity and effectiveness of the heart of cattle belonging to the black and Latvian brown breeds of different ages are determined. The study of the electrocardiogram of large-horned cattle was carried out under the influence of different intensity and duration of air temperature and solar radiation. To increase the fertility of large-horned cattle, the physiological mechanisms of adaptation of brought breeding animals to extreme conditions of the Republic of Karakalpakstan have been studied. Changes in the bioelectric activity of the heart have been detected in cows of different breeds (black, Latvian brown cattle, Zebu cattle) and calves that are now born and up to 6 months old. In this article, it is indicated that the functional state of the cardiovascular system of agriculture animals is one of the main physiological indicators through which it is possible to determine the nature of the impact of the environment on the body. Keywords: Cardiovascular, Lactation, Electrocardiogram, Homeostasis, R-R Cycle, High Temperature, Arid Zone.