An Analysis of the Availability and Persistence of Web Citations in Journal of Indian Library Association (JILA)


1Manjuli Devi* and 2Aman Verma

Library Progress International

Vol.43, No.2, July-December 2023: P.236-243

DOI: 10.48165/bpas.2023.43.2.11


Original Article


1Manjuli Devi* and 2Aman Verma

Author’s Affiliation:

1Assistant Librarian, Innovative Group of Colleges, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201310, India


2Senior Research Fellow, Department of Library and Information Science, University of Lucknow, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226007, India



*Corresponding Author: Manjuli Devi, Assistant Librarian, Innovative Group of Colleges, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201310, India



(Received on 26.07.2023, Revised on 28.09.2023, Approved on 11.10.2023, Accepted on 11.10.2023, Published on 21.12.2023)

The present study aims to investigate the uses of URLs as citations based on 148 articles published in the Journal of the Indian Library Association (JILA) published during 2018-2021.Data has been collected from the websites of the journal. Data collection is carried out by visiting selected academic journal websites.A total of 2319 citations were retrieved and analyzed, and it is observed that there were 1373print citations and 946 web citations. Among 946 web citations, 751are active while195 are missing web citations. It has been found that HTTP 404 error codes accounted for more thanhalf the life of any error code associated with web citations. The average half-life for the Journal of Indian Library Association is 8.818 years. This research provides unique insights into the prevalence and characteristics of URL citations within the specified journal.   KEYWORDS: Web citations, Journal of Indian Library Association, Indian Library Association, Citation Analysis, Half-Life.