The Effect of External Environmental Variables on Blood Protein Indications of Rabbits


Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences

Zoology (Animal Science), Vol.41A, No.2, 

July-December 2022: P.222-226

DOI: 10.5958/2320-3188.2022.00028.6

Article Info:

Original Research Article

Received on 13.05.2022

Revised on  13.07.2022

Accepted on 05.09.202

Published on 15.12.2022



The Effect of External Environmental Variables on Blood Protein Indications of Rabbits

 *D.G. Khayitov

Author’s Affiliation:

Samarkand State University, Samarkand, Uzbekistan

*Corresponding author:

D.G. Khayitov

Samarkand State University, Samarkand, Uzbekistan


How to cite this article: Khayitov D.G. S (2022). The Effect of External Environmental Variables on Blood Protein Indications of Rabbits. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences-Zoology, 41A (2), 222-226.

In this article, the natural resistance of chinchilla (localized) and New Zealand (newly introduced) rabbit breeds were studied in different regions of the Samarkand region, which differ from each other in terms of outdoor temperature and air pollution indicators. The endurance and flexibility of the body of rabbits were determined. Some proteins in the blood of rabbits were analyzed in the summer and winter seasons, in regions with different levels of atmospheric pollution (due to emissions from stationary sources and mobile sources).   Keywords: Rabbits, Body Adaptation, Blood, Protein, Albumin, Globulin, Ecology, Temperature, Atmosphere, Average, Speed.