Information Seeking Behaviour of Journalists in Print and Electronic Media (Newspaper) in Karnataka State: A Study


Prof. N Parvathamma, Rajashekhar Mahadevagouda

Library Progress International

Vol.42, No.2, July-December 2022: P.395-411

DOI: 10.5958/2320-317X.2022.00038.1

Original Article



Information Seeking Behaviour of Journalists in Print and Electronic Media (Newspaper) in Karnataka State: A Study

 *Prof. N Parvathamma, **Rajashekhar Mahadevagouda

Author’s Affiliation:

*Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi – 585106, Karnataka, India


**Research Scholar, Department of Library and Information Science, Gulbarga University,  Kalaburagi – 585106, Karnataka, India


 Corresponding Author: Rajashekhar Mahadevagouda, Research Scholar, Department of Library and Information Science, Gulbarga University, Kalaburagi – 585106, Karnataka, India


 (Received on 18.06.2022, Revised on 28.09.2022, Accepted on 18.10.2022, Published on 15.12.2022)

How to cite this article:  Parvathamma N., Mahadevagouda R.  (2022).  Information Seeking Behaviour of Journalists in Print and Electronic Media (Newspaper) in Karnataka State: A Study. Library Progress International, 42(2), 395-411.

ABSTRACT Journalists search, access, and make use of a variety of information sources, both in print and electronic media. Journalists have been increasingly reliant on internet tools in recent years. An attempt has been made through the study to identify the information-seeking behaviour of journalist working in 39 newspapers at the national, state, as well as regional levels. A total of 610 respondents have responded to the questionnaire. The data shows that approximately 60% of the respondents are below 35 years. The study witnessed that more than 30% of respondents opined that the information required about all areas is of utmost significance whereas more than 50% of respondents felt that the information is required at the level of moderate significance related to all areas. The study also recommends increasing the number of staff for the maintenance of the newspaper libraries. The study also suggested improving the physical facilities in newspaper libraries as well as staff training is required.   KEYWORDS: Information seeking, Journalists, Print media, Electronic media, Karnataka